Linda Lee Remba Coaching and Consulting - Project Management, Change Management, Business, Strategy, Small Business

Consulting Services

Corporate Consulting

Currently accepting contracts based on availability.
Reach out to talk about your next strategic initiative.

Professional Consulting Made Easy

Choose from one or all of my services, depending on your needs. 

Project (PMO) & Value Management Office (VMO) Enablement

Build a PMO/VMO that focuses on value delivery, not just process.

Integrate your project management activities within the entire delivery process.

Business Transformation

Ensure your business transformation initiative is covered with everything from program management, change management, employee training, implementation planning, business process mapping, value stream mapping, risk management, and more. 

Organizational Change Management

Ensure your initiative is sustainable and adopted through strategic change planning, training, communications, and reinforcement. 


Depending on the service requested, hourly rates vary. Please reach out to discuss your corporation’s need, and I will provide a custom quote.

Factors such as duration and location may impact rates.

Contact me today to discuss your initiative and my availability.