My Experience with Coaching and Mentoring
Over the last two decades I’ve had the opportunity to be a consultant, coach, mentor, and a mentee.
For those looking to get into any one of these roles, this article outlines the benefits I’ve received in each.
As A Coach
I consider myself very lucky to have been able to help so many individuals as a coach – more than I ever thought possible.
Working as a consultant for many years, I have impacted a lot of lives and projects, but through coaching, I get to see the individual faces of the people I help, and there’s just no substitute for that kind of immediate feeling of success.
Being Coached
When I first signed up with a coach, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I basically already knew what I was doing, right?
But the experience has been better than I could have ever imagined.
Doing My Own Research / Self-Coaching vs Direct Feedback from a Coach
I hired a writing coach to work with me on my first novel. Since it’s my first, I know that there’s a lot that I couldn’t have possibly learned just from reading other similar books, reading how-to’s and craft books, and taking courses, and watching videos. While I did all of that, and continue to, having a coach to give me direct feedback on my actual work, thoughts, and ideas has been the most enlightening and valuable experience of my professional career to date.
My Coach’s Broad Expertise
Having experience in a variety of fiction, non-fiction, mediums such as plays, novels, short-stories, and more, she sees things that I don’t.
My Coach’s Feedback
But one of the best parts about having a coach is that she not only highlights areas of my craft that I don’t excel at, but she highlights the ones where I do. My coach makes me feel really good about my work, even though it isn’t perfect. Why? Because nothing is ever perfect, and being reminded of that is just as important as striving for whatever “best” I’m working towards.
Through coaching, I am continuously motivated to continue doing what is invariably the most difficult project I have every taken on in my entire life.
The knowledge and skills I’ve gained made the cost worth every cent, and I will continue to utilize my coach, and others, as I continue on my journey.
As A Mentor
One of the most fulfilling feelings I’ve had in my career was when one of my mentees landed the role they thought they were unqualified for.
She worked for a large organization that had a system of levels and pay scales. She found it difficult to believe that there could be a way forward to shift roles and departments, especially since it required new skills that she was acquiring. It didn’t help that HR told her that there was ‘no direct path’, ‘it could take years’, and ‘you’ll have to start at the bottom of the pay scale’, etc.
To those of you experiencing this right now – know that this isn’t always true.
But guess what? She got the job, and a pay increase.
My experience with mentoring has been fulfilling in many ways. My oversight and guidance was pivotal in helping my mentee not only overcome her self-consciousness and limiting self-beliefs that she wasn’t good enough, but it gave her the confidence to go for it.
As a biproduct, it gave me the opportunity to recap best practices in areas that I hadn’t had to deal with for a long time. It was a humbling and beneficial experience for both of us.
As A Mentee
I have been very lucky to be under the guidance of my mentor, an industry leader in Consulting, Project Management, Methodology, Strategy, and Talent Planning.
I met her while my company was undergoing a merger and the Project Management and Account Management team teams were being torn open for a good look inside. She led the initiative, which resulted in clearly defined roles, new and effective templates, projects that were on track and on budget, smooth escalation lines, and happy clients. Seeing what that one woman could do, I knew I had found my next calling. Soon after that, I embarked on my own consulting journey.
I thought I’d add a short section here on the benefits my consulting career has given me as well for those of you getting into management consulting.
Being able to go out into the great wide world on my own has given me the discipline needed to get really good at a lot of things. I’m proud of the credentials, certifications, and courses I’ve taken, and it lightens me up whenever I get to use those skills. It’s a great way to keep my brain active – keeping up to date with new tools, methods, and concepts, and the life-long-learner attitude that it’s bred within me has kept me soaking in new knowledge and growing in many areas of my life; professional and personal.
It was hard work to get to where I am as a Coach and Consultant, but it was worth it.
If you’re looking to get into coaching, consulting, or mentoring, or if you’re looking for a coach, consultant, or mentor in the fields of my experience – hit me up! It’ll be a rewarding experience for us both.